Three years ago, today, you said your last words, I love you. Thank you. What a blessing you gave me. From beginning to end, we stayed the course. Your bravery, courage, love, stamina, and many more accolades than cannot be written in such a short space, are the truest examples of the Power of Purpose. You lived it as you created it, full of fun and laughter. Your happiness will be remembered in many, many ways.
I have begun to collaborate with some incredible CFers in the US. Both are transplants. Both beautiful people, full of life, and passion. You would really love them.
I met Isabel through a CF grievance group I joined. That was an incredible experience. Eight weekly Zoom calls with several parents of CFers, twin sister of CFer, best friend and CFer herself, and the wife of a CFer. One of the biggest outtakes for me was the agreement that hospice care is essential to CFers, and the world in general.