Believe in Yourself

Mary Boleyn Bookmark

This is the book and bookmark that Mary had when she arrived Jul 16, 2017, in Durham, NC. A number of pages were highlighted, dogeared, and annotated. Mary never gave up on learning more about herself and life. What a great reminder. Thank you, sweetie.

TaDa Meets GO

Hey Clara & Mary;

I am pretty excited about this. So you know how I created the Rapidgo Driver logo and had it animated, right? Well, yesterday I had another animation created that has the logo come out of the wheel and wave. Here it is.

So, the next creation will have “GO” put up its arms and the TaDa bubbles float up, like this.

More later,



Thinking of Clara

Hi, Clara;

It’s fall and we both know how much your mom loved the fall. She loved to have pictures taken of you with her by a professional photographer and select the best ones to send to all her friends. She often sent me extra ones that still had the watermark.

Your mom loved to take pictures and I want you to know I have her camera waiting for you. When she came to see me she had a photography how-to book with her. She was still learning to the end. I love her force of purpose in knowing what she was doing and for what reason. She was always thinking about you first and loved you very much.

The card is from me. The camera is waiting for you.

Love you very much, OPA