No words I write will do justice to the admiration I have for a young woman, Mary Boleyn, who met both life and death head on. Faced with incredible challenges, including cystic fibrosis, Mary was a role model in making unimaginably tough decisions bravely, finding the positive in the little everyday things to appreciate, sharing herself openly and rawly, and radiating love … always radiating love and gratitude.
There is no love greater than the love Mary felt for her young child. My wish is that Clara will derive strength from knowing that love and support in her heart always.
I’m grateful to Mary for the lasting image of pink glitter cremated ashes that she shared recently on Facebook. She wrote, “You know how hard it is to get rid of glitter…. I will haunt you forever!!!!” Glitter will forever remind me of Mary. She will haunt me, in a positive way. She will make me smile, and with gratitude, for the small delights in life.
To her Mom Heather, and her Dad James, as a parent, my heart breaks for you. My own adult kids are close to Mary’s age. The passing of your beautiful daughter has hit many of us hard, particularly in the CF community — a testament to the meaningful impact Mary made on the lives of many.